This is a good time to remind readers of the role that Trump 1.0 played in leading us into the horrific war on Russia, using the Anglo-Zionist controlled Ukro-Nazi government. In the past Trump has bragged that his sanctions on Russia were the toughest of all. He also bragged that he sent Ukraine weapons that the Obama regime had refused to send—thus preparing Ukraine for its role in this tragedy. Currently, Trump is decrying the senseless slaughter that he very actively helped to bring about—which, of course, the Russians are well aware of. Of course, the Russians are also aware that Trump was pressured into these irresponsible and immoral actions by the powerful Anglo-Zionist combine, but that doesn’t change matters. Without the measures that Trump took—the buck really does stop somewhere—it’s probable that Ukraine would not have been in a position to serve as the proxy for the Anglo-Zionist war on Russia. Others are as much or more at fault, but Trump cannot escape his own responsibility. That’s part of being president.
Now Trump has appointed officials to high national security positions who, in the past, have shown themselves to be tools of the Anglo-Zionist pressure groups. We can’t realistically expect Putin to be impressed by this, or to regard Trump as trustworthy. Not only is Russia winning the war, growing from strength to strength in a military sense, while the US is seriously attritted, but Trump is in the position of having to prove that he an be trusted in any proposed deal. That position usually requires additional concessions as a form of guarantee. We shall see. Just keep these facts in mind for this update.
Regarding the sabotaging of peace—which was done by the Zhou regime and its UK running dog. In fairness I add that we can’t say what Trump would have done. This is a damning testimony:
Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand
Another very important testimony on what happened in the now infamous Russia-Ukraine peace negotiations in Türkiye, 6 weeks into the war.
This time by Jean-Daniel Ruch , who was Switzerland's ambassador to Türkiye at the time.
He confirms other accounts that it is the West - specifically "the Americans with their British allies" - that "pulled the plug on the negotiations" when they were "on the edge" of succeeding. He says they did so because they thought it was too early and they wanted to "first weaken Russia".
As he describes it, he found the decision "deeply immoral" because "it was clear at that time that if the war continued there would be an escalation and the dead would be at least in the tens of thousands, more likely in the hundreds of thousands".
He asks, rhetorically: "why did all these people die?" because now "they may have weakened Russia but they weakened the whole West at the same time, maybe not the Americans but certainly Europe." Also, if a peace deal was done today, it would still "pretty much be based on what was negotiated in Istanbul", assuming the Russians are still willing, a tall order given he's "not so sure that the Russians are prepared to compromise today."
6:53 [8 minute Video]
12:36 AM · Dec 18, 2024
Regarding that last sentence—exactly. Anyone seeking a peace deal will need to prove their bona fides to the Russians. “A tall order.” The United States is firmly established based on hard factual history as a persistently immoral global actor. That makes for difficult negotiations.
It’s deeply disappointing that, in these circumstances, Trump should be appointing clowns to responsible positions. I previously noted that, during an interview, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister openly guffawed at the mention of this next joker’s name:
Clash Report @clashreport
Trump’s envoy to Ukraine and Russia Keith Kellog:
Russian losses are five times higher than Ukraine’s.
They're using human wave attacks like North Koreans, with huge casualties. This is historically how they fight. Just like World War Two—they just overwhelm you by throwing the amount of troops at you …
3:04 PM · Dec 18, 2024
Meanwhile, the American Anglo-Zionist regime continues its attempts to create a Ukrainian charnel house from which Trump will find it impossible to extricate this country:
MenchOsint @MenchOsint
 Ministry of Defense of Russia:
"On December 18, a missile strike was launched from Ukrainian territory against the Kamensky Combine enterprise in the Rostov region.
According to confirmed data, 6 American-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles and 4 Storm Shadow air-launched cruise missiles were used.
During the anti-missile battle, combat crews of the S-400, Buk-M3 and Pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun systems shot down all ATACMS missiles and 3 out of 4 Storm Shadow missiles.
As a result of its fall, a technical structure on the territory of the plant was damaged.
These actions of the Kyiv regime, supported by Western curators, will not go unanswered."
10:07 AM · Dec 19, 2024
True to their word, the Russians have responded:
SIMPLICIUS Ѱ @simpatico771
Russian MOD: "In response to the actions of the Kiev regime, supported by Western curators, in the morning a group strike with long-range precision weapons was carried out on the SBU command post, the Kiev design bureau "Luch" , which designs and manufactures the "Neptune" missile systems, ground-based cruise missiles MLRS "Olkha", as well as the positions of the "Patriot" air defense missile system."
Current Report @Currentreport1
BREAKING: Russia knocked out a massive warehouse in Kiev, Ukraine. A large warehouse covering an area of 15,000 m² in Kyiv has been destroyed following a strike by Russian Shahed drones.
Several commenters yesterday noted that the Anglo-Zionist regime has, as a matter of course, lied about the numbers of American troops that are deployed to various countries, including the former Syria—whether invited by those countries or not. I’m not at all clear what form of republic engages in this type of conduct. Maybe it’s a different form of government:
Open Source Intel @Osint613
The Pentagon:
"We have been briefing you that there are approximately 900 US troops in Syria."
"I learned today that in fact there are approximately 2,000 US troops in Syria."
Is this a joke?
I knew that the US was already lying on the numbers in 2023. If they claim thery have 2000 US Troops in Syria today, they must have at least 3000-4000
Trump has also been promising to turn the genocide in Gaza into … something worse than genocide? MoA has a sad but informative update on the ongoing Anglo-Zionist led genocide (excerpt):
Mainstream seem to have largely stopped to report about Gaza. But the Zionist genocide of the people in Gaza continues. Haaretz continues to document how the Zionist forces on the ground do it:
'No Civilians. Everyone's a Terrorist': IDF Soldiers Expose Arbitrary Killings and Rampant Lawlessness in Gaza's Netzarim Corridor - (archived) - Haaretz
'Of 200 bodies, only 10 were confirmed as Hamas members': IDF soldiers who served in Gaza tell Haaretz that anyone who crosses an imaginary line in the contested Neztarim corridor is shot to death, with every Palestinian casualty counting as a terrorist – even if they were just a child…
It is not just the arbitrary killing of everyone in sight within some kill corridor but the systematic deprivation of the whole population of water, food and medical necessities.
Medecins Sans Frontiers (MSF) is the latest of many such organizations which state that this is an obviously intentional genocide:
Gaza death trap: MSF report exposes Israel’s campaign of total destruction - MSF
“People in Gaza are struggling to survive apocalyptic conditions, but nowhere is safe, no one is spared, and there is no exit from this shattered enclave,” says Christopher Lockyear, MSF secretary general, who visited Gaza earlier this year.
“The recent military offensive in the north is a stark illustration of the brutal war the Israeli forces are waging on Gaza, and we are seeing clear signs of ethnic cleansing as Palestinians are forcibly displaced, trapped, and bombed,” says Lockyear. “What our medical teams have witnessed on the ground throughout this conflict is consistent with the descriptions provided by an increasing number of legal experts and organisations concluding that genocide is taking place in Gaza.”
“While we don’t have legal authority to establish intentionality, the signs of ethnic cleansing and the ongoing devastation – including mass killings, severe physical and mental health injuries, forced displacement, and impossible conditions of life for Palestinians under siege and bombardment – are undeniable,” Lockyear adds.
From the report:
Throughout the offensive, Israeli forces have blocked essential items such as food, water and medical supplies from entering the Strip. They have either denied, delayed or instrumentalised humanitarian assistance, allowing insignificant quantities of aid into Gaza with a complete disregard for the actual needs and the level of suffering of the population.
Each day the Zionist army continues to kill dozens in Gaza by force. But less noticed are those who die from the lack of means needed for living. Each week thousands perish because some fanatics believe that their sheer existence makes them superior to others.
Trump speaks of horrific videos from Ukraine showing the death and destruction that he helped enable. Similar documentation is readily available for Gaza. Crickets. Just threats of worse to come. And then there’s the regime media:
"Right now, it seems like any path that people take here, it leads to death."
@UNWateridge tells @CNN if it's not the bombs and the strikes, or seeing families burned alive in their tents - people are dying from lack of medicine, spread of treatable diseases and drinking dirty water "it's just endless - the amount of ways that people can be killed here."
[3:43 Video]
Taking advantage of the downtime in between Electoral College meetings to work on advancing my bill to make sure no political flags are flown in government buildings! #IYKYK
With regard to Kirillov, and Russia's response with an attack on an SBU facility in Kiev, Doctorow suggested yesterday that the Russians expect Kirillov was chosen in part as payback from the Anglos for work he did to prove the chemical attacks in Syria were false flag events, back when the Anglos were trying to bring down Assad back when Obama was in office and said he had a red line. And of course, there has been the tit-for-tat over whether Russia has used chemical weapons in Ukraine, or whether the US built out biolabs there before the war, or whether Ukraine might stage a false-flag event using chemical weapons, and so on.
The most recent WSJ article,
The attack on Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov was part of an escalating campaign by Ukraine’s security and intelligence services to kill high-profile figures in Russia’s war effort. Its aim is to bring the fight to Russia, raising the immediate costs of the war for Moscow’s leaders.
Increasingly, the focus has been on important military targets including a senior naval officer and a missile scientist. Coupled with long-range strikes on installations such as strategic bomber bases, it is part of a drive to use asymmetric measures to disrupt and demoralize the Russian war machine.
Ukrainian security officials say the Security Service of Ukraine, or SBU, is modeling itself on Israel’s Mossad, renowned for its relentless pursuit of enemies abroad.
Mossad is renowned. And a guy like Randy Fine is fine with what they are renowned for, because he knows there are good and moral nations, and bad and immoral nations, and he is so lucky by an accident of birth to be a member (in absentia) of a good and moral nation, and the ends justifies the means. It's in the Bible.