Now they tell us!
BREAKING NEWS: UK Government says vaccine not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women
TracyK2017 on twitter has alerted a lot of people today to the fact that the UK Government has a website page with a document titled "Information for Healthcare Professionals on COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech". The web page says this document was "updated on 16 August 2022" (although as explained below there seems to be some dispute about this). Tracy notes the following:
How could this happen? Well, these “scientists” were so busy preparing gene therapy injections that they didn’t have time to do basic toxicology tests regarding the possible effects on pregnant women and nursing mothers. Just like Michael Yeadon was warning, all along, and was ostracized for saying so. Don’t believe it? Follow the link. It’s there in black and white.
But there’s good news, too. As I keep saying, people are catching on—even in Deep Blue Hawai’i:
Some excellent news out of Hawaii
Which is an extremely blue state…
Alex Berenson
My man Vince speaks the truth. If the mRNA shots are dead in Hawaii, they’re dead everywhere (maybe dead is the wrong word given the all-cause mortality numbers we’re seeing):
We’ve been seeing this for some time—people are not getting boosted and they sure as sh*t are not injecting their kids with experimental gene therapy medications. OK, there are some sickos out there—we know that, because there are parents who try to change their kids genders. But normal people? No. They’re just not doing it.
And so Berenson reports that in a state of 1.4 million people the state government has ordered … 16K doses of the latest Covid injection. People are catching on, and they’re saying, No. Even in a state where people elected Maizie Hirono. What does that tell you?
Now, I will tell you, in the course of running errands on this busy day for me, I popped into a guitar store in Evanston. Evanston, home of Northwestern U., is pretty much ground zero for wokeness, but even there masking is optional—at the discretion of businesses. And the guitar store mandated masks. Well, I was in and out in literally about 5 minutes. Sick puppies. The news is out. Masks aren’t worth sh*t, but non-normals cling to their sick world.

Interest rates! They’ll be going up. And up. Jay Powell said so, so all that pivot talk? Fuhgeddaaboutit.
Tom Luongo is doing a victory lap—and well deserved:
This is happening at a time when the WEF has led Europe over the edge of the sanctions cliff. They could use a pivot lifeline, but Powell says no. You know he has to have some powerful backers, right?
But another guy took a deserved victory lap today—because he’s been saying the same thing for months. Karl Denninger has been adamant that Powell would raise rates and keep raising them, and he explains his reasoning. Unlike Luongo, KD is focused mostly on the domestic economy, but he’s talking about the same things. Inflation is coming home—we can’t keep it sequestered abroad any longer, and especially not with King Dollar losing its special status. Powell knows this and he knows America cannot continue as before:
Queer Men.
Who didn’t know that all this rainbow diversity was just a sham? Who actually cared about the “L” in LBGTQWERTY? This was ALWAYS about queer men seeking a privileged status, and especially powerful queer men. Drag Queen story hours? Let’s have a show of hands—who has heard of a Dykes story hour? Can we be serious, here? It’s simply about men wanting to act like women and flaunt it in public.
Well, Don Surber went there today, in one of those Emperor has no clothes moments:
Cardiff, the capital of Wales, held its first gay pride parade in 3 years. Police responded by kicking out a group of lesbians who protest how the T-girls now dominate LGBT.
The transwomen have become bully boys. T Rex.
These pride parades have become drag shows.
Queer men have no use for lesbians, because lesbians are women. That’s what it’s always been about. Misogyny. They don’t like “breeders” and want to marginalize them. And the police are there to help.
Alex Berenson, like Toby Young of Lockdown/Daily Skeptic in UK, is about to loose his influence by requiring subscription to comment. What had been a sizable, varied, vibrant, and informative comment section, became overnight a dead spot. Young’s blog has not recovered; neither will Alex’.
This blog, Chodov’s and Kirsch’s and many others, are where it’s at!
Luongo takes a well deserved victory lap with recap but also with good points regarding the Fed and the present. He has convinced me that yes the Fed wants to wrest control over the U.S. monetary policy from Europe and the steps it has taken are intended to do that.
That said, the Fed raising rates and tightening will not by itself tame inflation - and as Luongo notes, Powell knows this. To truly take care of inflation you need to do something about Energy - specifically, producing and supplying more of the carbon-based variety domestically. Until that is addressed we will be in vicious cycles of recession (from Fed tightening) and renewed inflation (after the Fed "pivot" points). And the Fed WILL have to pivot (eventually) either from the economy grinding to a halt or from the Treasury market seizing up.
What this really means is that to take care of inflation in the longer term, we need to get the Climate Change profiteers out of control of Congress, the big bill deficit spenders out of Congress, and the Biden admin out of the White House.