Mostly I’ve ignored all the bad news over the last 10 years because, why bother? Nevertheless, it is important because it’s part of the globalist drive to fundamentally transform the West—what remains of it. They will not rest until all good has been eradicated from the earth. Consider.
It appears to me to be as beyond doubt that the Global Deep State removed Benedict from the Vatican as that Trump was similarly removed from the White House. I’m fully aware of the deep flaws in both men, but that’s just the point. The Globalist cabal isn’t content with merely flawed men in leading positions—they need deeply evil men to do their work. Today is one example among many, but it is an important one.
Eric Sammons @EricRSammons
I feel sorry for those Catholics who feel compelled to defend today's DDF document out of some misguided sense of defending the Church or the papacy.
Defending this document undermines the very Church and papacy you seek to defend.
10:30 AM · Dec 18, 2023
Hilary White; Sacred Art @hilarityjane
Vernacular languages. Versus Populum. Communion-in-the-paw. Altar girls. Annulment/Catho-divorce...
Abuse after abuse after abuse... all accepted and even codified by the same methods, drip, drip, drip...
2:34 PM · Dec 18, 2023
Peter Kwasniewski @DrKwasniewski
Actions speak louder than words. Nobody's going to read a long Vatican document but everyone will see with his own eyes the one Sunday a month when the local liberal pastor invites all the couples of any kind to "come up for a blessing" after Mass! Quasi-lex orandi... (1/4)
Moreover, everyone out there will see the flurry of progressive media coverage ("Pope blesses gay marriages!"), the nature of which the Vatican officials are certainly not so stupid that they could not predict it with exactitude. They have *intended* this fallout. (2/4)
Popesplainers will have to face Almighty God someday and give an answer. "Why did you tolerate, even defend, the *appearance* of evil—which led countless souls astray—just because you stupidly thought it was better to 'defend' the Vatican with your sophistry?" (3/4)
Conservatives are worse than progressives. Progressives tell us what their disordered desires are, and promote them tirelessly. No camouflage there. Conservatives pretend that enemies of the Church are friends, and do the dirty work of shifting the Overton window for them. (4/4)
12:32 PM · Dec 18, 2023
The things happening in our world are all connected—some more tightly than others, but it’s all part of a trend that has a common origina and a common goal.
A Scandal And Perjury Leading To Sin.
I cringe at so many of the prayers of the faithful. Many are socialist, engage in syncretism, call on "government leaders" to do this or that. How little I hear of the Word when I attend Mass.