Is there a difference? Are we actually simply looking at points on an evolutionary line, if not simply different names for what amounts to the same thing? Distinctions without real differences?
Managerialism sounds to me like another, perhaps culturally conditioned, form of the Corporate State. Fascism minus fancy dress uniforms—something of that sort. Capitalism, as we’ve been taught to term the economic systems that led to our current political state, simply seems to me like a precursor, a state of affairs that paved the way for the modern world. Henry VIII might be considered the patron saint of the modern age. Just don’t ask me for solutions.
I ran across this tweet this morning. Note that these Paleocon thinkers regard the Managerial State as a “product” of “Capitalism”. But what’s this talk of a “post-industrial society”? Ain’t no such thing—it’s simply outsourced as too unsightly for the ruling class. The idea is to colonize the lands to which the industrial/resource base is outsourced, and therein lies the rub—when those lands become power centers or refuse to accept the role of vassal states or colonies:
We have crony capitalism, with a heavy dose of regulatory capture.