It’s understandably what everyone’s talking about. The Zhou regime is so clueless, so out of touch, that they’ve been sending their frontman out to babble in public about a “New World Order” or a “Liberal World Order”—it’s all the same.
Back in March, almost a month to the day that Russia initiated its special military operation in Ukraine, Newsweek quoted Zhou speaking at Business Roundtable's CEO Quarterly Meeting:
As one of the top military people said to me in a secure meeting the other day, 60 million people died between 1900 and 1946. And since then, we've established a liberal world order, and that hadn't happened in a long while," Biden said. "A lot of people dying, but nowhere near the chaos.
And now is a time when things are shifting. There's going to be a new world order out there, and we've got to lead it. And we've got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.
This is Zhou telling the world, in so many words, that the world that the Globalist West will tolerate only one order. It’s world wide order and it’s the “liberal” one. What’s “new” about that order is that it’s not going to be confined to the West, which has already bought into it for the most part. The rest of the world will be forced t submit—Russia, China, India. All of them. American will lead, but there’s work to be done to accomplish this, which is why we need to “unite the rest of the free world”: in order to force the rest of the world to submit.
As one anonymous commenter pointed out—and was seconded by many others:
"They are all just saying it out loud now… right in our faces."
And as Monica Crowley tellingly noted:
The Great Resetters should have known that the feeble invalid would blurt out the plan.
That’s what all the saber rattling is about—the sanctions, the calls for Putin’s ouster, the escalating provocations, the blustering at China, the attempts to strongarm India and other countries into line with the sanctions. And yet all of this is backfiring. Russia is prevailing in Ukraine, as even Western hardliners are admitting. The sanctions have come back to bite the West hard, while Russia’s biggest problem so far is dealing with the flood of revenue from oil and gas sales. The EU is sinking into economic and political chaos, and America may already be in recession—Q1 GDP was apparently down by -1.6%.
Remarkably, however, Zhou told the assembled scribes of the media at the NATO meeting in Spain yesterday that all this was Putin’s fault and that there would be no backing down. American pain at the gas pump? No end in sight:

And just to underline what this is really all about, the Zhou regime sent a top WH economic adviser, Brian Deese, to CNN to basically flip off Americans. Red State captured the mind blowing moment:
Brian’s answer wasn’t exactly reassuring. In fact, one might call it terrifying.
Anchor Victor Blackwell spoke for a lot of Americans when he asked about punishing gas prices amid unmerciful inflation:
“What do you say to those families who say, ‘Listen, we can’t afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years. This is just not sustainable’?”
According to Brian, you’ll have to grin and bear it. There are more important things than your family’s needs:
“Well, what you heard from the President today was a clear articulation of the stakes. This is about the future of the Liberal World Order, and we have to stand firm.”

If I’m not mistaken, that sounds like a Revelation-level evil rendition of “Let them eat cake.”
Is this the directive running our country? Is this the principle in practice by those in charge? Joe Biden doesn’t work for the “Liberal World Order.” At least, that isn’t his job. And he wasn’t sworn in to protect such a thing.
So there you have it. This is about America running the world, the New World Order, the worldwide Liberal Order—there are various ways to phrase it, but it all comes down to the Great Reset. Tear the existing world down in the name of Climate Change, and Build Back Better under American hegemony. It’s basically Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Neocon vision of a global American Empire, filtered through Davos/WEF-speak.
But the propaganda line that the Zhou regime wants you to buy into is that all the economic hardship coming your way—and don’t doubt that—is all because of Putin and won’t end until Putin is defeated. Russia, Russia, Russia:

You’re supposed to buy into some great moral crusade that involves global warfare—if economic war doesn’t work, well … Zhou says NATO is ramping up its military and we’re stationing troops on Russia’s borders. For empire. Did you vote for that? Me neither.
There are serious looming problems with this approach. For starters, Americans don’t believe the line about Putin being to blame—they know it’s about Climate Craziness and that the pain is deliberately inflicted:
A Rasmussen poll found that only 11 per cent of Americans believe the Biden administration’s narrative that Vladimir Putin is to blame for record high gas prices
“The Biden regime is crashing the global economy just to stick it to Putin and they don’t give a damn how many Americans and Europeans have to suffer,” comments Chris Menahan.
“You must be made to suffer for as long as it takes to secure the future of the Liberal World Order and ensure every town, city, state and nation throughout the world can host a Gay Pride Parade.”
Biden loyalists have become increasingly absurd in trying to explain away gas price hikes …
Another big problem is that, while Americans initially and reflexively accepted the idea of supporting Ukraine, now that they have clearer idea of all that’s involved in that, that support is melting away. Support for Ukraine as an issue is drifting down in the rankings, along with abortion and climate change and the J6 narrative—every single one of the Dem’s big issues are big time losers with Americans. Instead, 85% of Americans—that includes Dems—believe the US is on the wrong track and those people know they’re being lied to.
Another very basic problem is simply that the label “Liberal” is not a generally popular one in the US. The majority of Americans view themselves as pragmatic and objective rather than ideologically oriented. Telling Americans that they’ll need to accept significant pain in their lives for the “Liberal World Order” is a bad strategy. If they ever figure out that “Liberal World Order” and “Rules-Based Order” are simply code words for empowering the Davos crowd, …
Now, all this is bad enough, but it gets worse—especially for the EU. Bear with me. The EU’s energy problems are virtually insoluble. That means that the US drive for imperial domination has forced the EU into a position that is likely to be untenable for even a short time. The result may well be a collapse of the Western alliance as we know it, and a radical restructuring of the world economy. America can probably deal with that, but it won’t be fun. This is what the insane adventurism of the Zhou regime is bringing upon us and upon countries around the world that we have traditionally counted on as “allies”.
I want to draw attention to an article at The Saker:
The war on Russia is technically a NATO project, but the reality is that that means it’s driven by US policy—that’s the meaning of Victoria Nuland’s famous 2014 statement, “F*ck the EU.” Nevertheless, without getting into the labyrinth of German politics, the German Green Party—which, although a minority, controls German government policy—has been, with the UK, among the most enthusiastic war mongers. They have also, of course, been pushing the most extreme energy policies.
The linked article is, unfortunately, written in rather poor English. However, the author does explain why the coming economic chaos is likely to hit the EU harder than the US. The reason is that the EU is dependent on Russia for diesel fuel. This is a complicated topic that few non-specialists understand. Here are the basics, in my summary form.
Russia rules diesel.
Virtually all transport in Europe is dependent on diesel in one form or another. Crucially, shipping is totally dependent on diesel. Ship born energy products—oil, liquified natural gas—are utterly dependent on diesel.
Diesel power has three separate components that are required for operation:
(1) diesel fuel
Diesel fuel is required and consumed all along the transportation vectors: container ships with goods, trucks that pick up the goods, etc. The same is true for farm equipment. Trucks, cars, ships, industrial machinery, buses, factories, homes, all require diesel fuel.
(2) diesel exhaust fluid (DEF)
DEF is a solution of urea + de-ionized water required by diesel engines. In most cases diesel engines will not even start without urea-derived DEF. Both China and Russia have stopped exporting urea in order to produce fertilizers for themselves. That means no diesel engines for Europe.
(3) diesel engine lube oil
Because of the Ukraine war and previous Covid supply chain problems, diesel engine lube oil has suffered serious shortage problems worldwide. All three “diesels” explained above are required by any diesel engine.
Now, of course Europe has refineries. Why not just obtain oil from, say, Iran and/or Venezuela that can be refined into the necessary diesel products, thus bypassing Russia? It’s nowhere near that easy.
Both Iranian and Venezuelan crude is very heavy and very ‘sour’, which means that it’s very difficult to refine these grades of oil into diesel. It would be an extremely expensive process but, worse than that, it would almost certainly be technically impossible. Here’s why:
Now please repeat after me: refineries-are-pretty-much-built-and-later-matched-and-finely-tuned-for-the-feedstock-they-will-use-for-the-rest-of-their-useful-service-lives. A refinery can only be tweaked so far to be able to use even a slightly different feedstock, let alone completely different crudes such as traditional Venezuelan or Iranian oils. That is the reason why crude oil procurement contracts are so difficult to agree upon with a humongous amount of lab data, tests all-around, back & forth, and highly intense negotiations (meaning lots of TIME) which also necessarily require the guarantee of decades-long constant-quality supply. Crude oil blends are always at least slightly different (possibly a lot) but are definitely never fungible, not interchangeable in any way, shape or form. European refineries were built, matched, and mated to the Russian Urals blend to which everybody has become used to in more than one way. Iranian and Venezuelan oils are perfectly good for refining very important petrochemical distillates but are mostly very different from those which Europe now needs. Instead, Europe needs massive amounts of high-quality diesel and they better have lots of it soon—or else. What part of this is so hard to understand?
In other words, a switch from Russian oil or gas to other sources would take years to accomplish. And Russia is likely to play hardball rather than cooperate with that process, by developing alternative markets for their products (China, India, etc.) rather than simply waiting for their EU market to dry up. Why should they help cut their own throats?
All of this incredible debacle has largely been brought upon the world economy by Zhou’s mostly faceless handlers. As Sundance puts it:
National Economic Council Chairman Brian Deese essentially confirms what everyone suspected about Joe Biden’s polling, approval and disapproval. It is quite obvious to everyone now that Biden is a disposable figurehead for the people inside the administration and government who are going full speed ahead with the Green New Deal via executive and regulatory action.
The good news here in the US is that the SCOTUS has thrown a spanner into the works with its EPA decision. The lower courts have now been empowered to scrutinize all “climate change” measures that are part of the Green New Deal. Will this also apply to legal challenges of Executive Orders in that field? In the current political climate my guess is that that may be a distinct possibility. One way or another, this is a high stakes contest as we approach the midterms.
Pentagon Agency Wants Arms Monitors On Ground In Ukraine To Track Billions In Hardware Shipped
"As early as April US officials began admitting that once advanced systems like Javelin anti-tank weapons cross into Ukraine they have no idea where they go from there."
Given the political and financial stakes, I fear for the safety of every conservative SCOTUS justice. Given the subterfuge of our new American Gestapo (FBI) in the Russia Hoax, the Michigan Hoax, and the J6 'Insurrection,' their safety is paramount until the nation rids itself Brandon and the behind-the-scenes henchmen pulling the levers of power.