This will be a bit scattershot.
Mike Davis @mrddmia
Trump’s opponents attempted to:
- Bankrupt him
- Imprison him for life
- Take him off the ballot
- Even take off his head
We learned this tonight:
The American people have a different plan for Trump.
Trump’s not going to Riker’s Island.
He’s going back to the White House.
12:12 AM · Nov 6, 2024
Question: Would or would it not be cool for Trump to drive down Pennsylvania Ave. in a garbage truck with his safety vest on? H/T wife.
Trump campaigning in California—very smart. He’s won the popular vote, which takes an important talking point away from Dems. By the way, that was the first time since 2004, and then you need to go back to 1988. Nor was it a squeaker. Right now Trump is up by ~5 million votes. This is also insurance against various shenanigans.
This was also a broad based win. Trump ran strongly among Hispanics and his reachout to Blacks and other minorities paid off bigly in multiple instances. This could pay major dividends going forward for the GOP and strengthens Trump’s hand in the party. Also:
Shipwreckedcrew @shipwreckedcrew
Trump wins 53% of white females.
The Dems and Progressives are taking all the wrong lessons from this.
It's not race.
It's the trans issue.
These are the "soccer moms" who have now said "Enough -- our daughters are the most important thing to us."
11:44 PM · Nov 5, 2024
Someone remarked that Kama Sutra had more trouble attracting men than Trump had attracting women. Take that gender gap and shove it.
Real Mac Report @RealMacReport
BREAKING: The Secret Service has moved an entire full security detail to Mar-a-Lago.
Next up is the transition. There’s a new transition law in place and there is talk that Trump may run a private transition rather than coordinating with the Permanent Government. Corey Lewandowski says it’ll be run out of Mar-a-Lago. He’s got some high powered private individuals close to him—this could be big. GOP leaders will want to talk their way into the process because this win was too broad based to ignore. But Trump will control it this time around.
Very important coming from Trump’s victory speech:
"They said ‘he will start a war’. I’m not going to start a war, I’m going to stop the wars."
That’s the right way to start—by bringing the troops home. Trump needs to prioritize de-imperialization. Of course America needs to be strong, but that will entail retrenching and looking out for real American interests—not caving to crazy globalist ideologues who want to rule the world. It’s a multi-polar world now, as even Mark Milley has figured out. We need to deal with that reality rather than four more years of denial.
Ideas for early initiative? Get weird boys out of girls’ sports and out of their washrooms and locker rooms. I think that would resonate. Also, prioritize hard giving America a First World electoral system. Try passing it through Congress, try legal initiative through the courts, try various sticks and carrots—but this needs to be a priority ASAP.
Starting today—Trump needs to get control of the Deep State. And I include DoJ and State in that grouping, as well as the Three Letter Agencies: CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS.
Revenge—another priority. To the extent possible, Trump needs to make the people who tried to de-democratize America with their hoaxes, witch hunts, and lawfare coups pay a price. Be creative in that regard. Get control of the federal investigative and surveillance process to protect We the People—consider pardons for the J6ers.
Resurrect the reform of the civil service to get control over the permanent government. Flood the courts with strong appointments.
And here’s a hope—a very important one. With an electoral college as well as a popular vote win in place, with Senate and House majorities in place, hopefully this will embolden the SCOTUS to intensify their already strong initiatives to restore constitutional government over against the establishment ruling class. Including the electoral system.
The Babylon Bee @TheBabylonBee
America Unburdens Itself From What Has Been
Sean Davis @seanmdav
Today was why they tried to impeach him. Today was why they tried to bankrupt him. Today was why they tried to imprison him.
Today was why they tried to kill him.
They knew that when given a choice, the American people would re-elect him.