You really have to wonder what people in the Kremlin think of the political turmoil in NATO, especially in France and Germany, but also in DC, where transparent attempts are being made to find some way to dump Zhou. It seems that the French have not yet eaten cake, but have taken the cake—for the wildest three days in politics. Here I present the text only of a thread by Arnaud Bertrand, but you can see it all at the link.
While you enjoy the wacky political antics abroad, remember that it wasn’t too long ago that our own political and Deep State establishment staged a hoax election, then a hoax “insurrection”, and finally put our Imperial City on the Potomac under for real military occupation for months. While the ruling class pretended everything was normal. And it didn’t end there—as witness the turmoil in the House, where Republicans couldn’t seem to agree on much of anything, except support for genocide. So the French seem to go for clown shows, while Americans prefer an actual coup.
These have undoubtedly been the wildest 72 hours in French politics in my lifetime. Pretty incredible stuff.
So after losing big time in the EU elections to Le Pen's Rassemblement National (RN), Macron decided to dissolve the National Assembly, calling the French to elect new MPs on the 30th of June 
This started what can only be called a movement of total panic throughout the French political class, because parties only have until this weekend to present candidates, and therefore decide on a strategy, who to ally with, etc.
The left got their shit together fairly fast, almost immediately announcing the creation of a "Popular Front" that gathers all the left-wing parties 
Hilariously, Raphael Glucksmann, the head candidate of the Socialist Party for the EU elections, tried to prevent the alliance by going on TV to list some ridiculous pre-conditions for it, but literally no-one listened to him and they went forward with it.
Many memes on Glucksmann effectively putsching himself out of the French left (he was never actually on the left anyhow)...
It's on the right that things really started to go wild after Éric Ciotti, the president of Les Républicains, the party of Chirac and Sarkozy, announced that they would do an alliance with Le Pen
Almost immediately top officials in his own party started saying that Ciotti was speaking in his own name only and said he needed to resign from the party's presidency.
Ciotti reacted by literally shutting down party headquarters to prevent his destitution. This is Aurélien Pradié, a Républicain MP in front of the closed doors of the headquarters saying they'll get emergency services to break open the door for them 
So many memes around this on French twitter 
Finally, the general secretary of the party @AnnieGenevard, who had spare keys, got to the party headquarters and managed to open the doors.
The "political desk" ("bureau politique") of Les Républicains announces that they've met, decided to fire Ciotti as President of the party and that he is not a member of Les Républicains anymore.
Ciotti begs to differ and says that the meeting that fired him didn't conform with the rules of the party so he in fact "is and remains president of [the party]"...
The infighting in Les Républicains continues, it's still completely unclear who actually manages the party at this stage and whether they'll ally with Le Pen. Ciotti claims that 80 Républicain MPs are with him and ready to campaign under Le Pen's banner...
One thing is sure though, Ciotti still controls Les Républicains' twitter account: "The President of the Républicains is and will remain Éric Ciotti."
He also has the Vice-President of the party @GuilhemCarayon on his side: "With Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, we share 90-95% of the same ideas."
All in all, the party seems extremely divided and is imploding in real time...
Further right, things are pretty wild too. Marion Maréchal (granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen who had joined Zemmour instead of her family), announces on live TV that she wants to ally with the RN, next to a Zemmour whom apparently hadn't been consulted.
Later that day, Marion Maréchal announces that she met with the RN and heavily hints that the condition they set for an alliance is to get rid of Zemmour... Bear in mind that the party Reconquête that Maréchal and Zemmour are part of was founded by Zemmour
Zemmour goes on TV and calls Marion Maréchal's behavior "the world record of betrayals" and says she's surrounded by a team of "betrayal professionals"
Zemmour decided to not to go for an alliance and to present his own candidates. Marion Maréchal calls it "a triple mistake" and calls on everyone to vote for those candidates that did ally with the RN.
In short Reconquête just imploded...
Meanwhile Macron shoots at the newly formed "Popular Front", essentially saying that those who join it are antisemites🤦 Because LFI (Mélenchon's party) campaigned a lot for Palestinians so obviously that makes them and everyone with them antisemites...
In other wild news, Alain Finkielkraut, one of France's foremost Jewish intellectuals says he might be "obliged" to vote for Le Pen in order "to block antisemitism".
As a reminder Le Pen's party was co-founded by Pierre Bousquet, a former Waffen-SS...
There you go, 72 hours in France's political life... And that's not even half of it!
No doubt that this circus show will continue for the next 2 weeks until the elections. It's widely entertaining but obviously shows just how dysfunctional and lost France is right now...
Interesting late addition to the thread on what voters actually want.
Huge majority of voters on the left favorable to the "popular front" alliance (97% of LFI voters want it, as well as 86% of Socialist voters and 77% of Greens)
Les Républicains voters about half split on an alliance with Le Pen (53% agree so presumably 47% disagree).
Overwhelming support among Zemmour voters for an alliance with Le Pen (89% want it) so it looks like Marion Maréchal represents voters' will more than Zemmour with her move.
Hey, by the way, Danny Davis did a really interesting video with Cyrus Jannsen with regard to China relations: U.S. & China Headed to War? The whole video is good, but I’ll cue the hour long video up here at the 38:00 mark. In response to prompting from Davis, Janssen argues that hardly anyone in the world believes the nonsense that the US government routinely spouts about “democracy,” “sovereignty,” “freedom,” “the rules based order.” Because they’ve seen what that really means for the Anglo-Zionist empire. Then at 39:15 …
Everyone else couldn't care less about all of what you've just said, because the biggest issue here that has really extrapolated this, Danny, is the war in Gaza. What you're seeing here is an absolute double standard, where you see the United States is supporting you know an active genocide in Gaza. You're talking about, ‘Hey we have all of these rules, we have all of these morals, we have this we have that, nonsense.’ The United States is just really isolating itself along with Israel on the international stage as each day goes by.
Because we allowed The Israel Lobby to buy our country. So let’s not laugh at the French too much.
So the Dems are starting up their own purge:
New York Democrat who sharply criticizes Israel faces ouster threat
May 12, 2024 ... The war in Gaza is reverberating all the way through north Bronx and Westchester County, defining the most competitive primary an incumbent ...
Hillary Clinton stuns Democrats by endorsing George Latimer for Jamaal Bowman's congressional seat
Just like Max Blumenthal said yesterday. Hillary only comes out of her hole to do the bidding of The Israel Lobby.
This is the political version of the Benny Hill Show. Adding to the French 'folie a plusieurs' is the U.K comedy of errors - the billionaire Sunak leaving DDay commemorations early to do an interview- scroll down for the memes:
Not only that but he had the gall to say he was late because D Day 'over ran' (!)
He also tried to suggest he knows how the working classes feel because he had to go without Sky TV (satellite channels) so his parents could pay his private school fees . ... cue more memes.
Then we have Starmer who for some reason thinks repeating over and over that his dad was a tool maker validates him as a man of the common people instead of the paid up member of the Islington chattering classes we all know him to be. Cue more memes:
Then there's 'frozen Joe' at that event which the U.K Daily Mirror 'bizarre glitch'.
What world is this?