And credit where it’s definitely due. CTH has been a voice of reason on Russia - Ukraine from the get go. In particular, CTH has consistently attempted to educate its audience to the true context—Globalist ambitions to run the world. Sundance has a substantial audience, and he’s been feeding good sense to them. This morning he features two segments from Fox with Colonel Douglas MacGregor—a guy with plenty of experience who knows what he’s talking about and isn’t afraid to speak plainly.
For the sake of maintaining a more or less complete record here, I’ll embed those interviews that I saw at CTH. However, first I’ll provide two takeaway points, one from each, which set the tone.
First, MacGregor points out—without the foolish sneering propaganda about Putin = Hitler—the truth about the motivations behind Russian tactics so far and the relative capabilities of the combatants. Summary/excerpts:
Russian military actions have been dictated by humanitarian considerations. The Russian forces got to the outskirts of Kiev in about 7 hours and then just sat. They don't want a bloodbath. Putin is holding back on Kiev for two reasons.
"First of all, [Kiev] is the cradle of Orthodox Christianity and civilization. [Putin] doesn't want to damage the city. Secondly, he has tried to induce Zelenskyy to consider capitulation."
“What's gonna happen now is that these concentrations [of Ukrainian forces] near Kharkiv and some of the smaller cities down near Odessa as well as Kiev are gonna be encircled. They're gonna be cut off and they [the Russians] are gonna bring up heavy weapons like the rocket artillery that fires thermobaric warheads. One platoon can destroy in one salvo an area the size of Central Park in Hew York. And they will use those. And there will not be much left. ... Hopefully sombebody will step forward and agree to some sort of terms."
"If your enemy pulls into an urban area--remember, the Ukrainians have almost no mobility, they have no air defenses, no air support, limited quantities of ammunition, so they're going to pull into [withdraw within, hunker down within] these urban areas. You can ask them to surrender [which Putin is doing], and if they don't you have to annihilate them. You don't send in your soldiers to go door to door."
In other words, the limited urban probing we’ve seen so far is probably intended to induce surrenders.
"[Putin's] not gonna cross the [Dnieper] river and go west [into the Ukrainian heartland]. He'd like to contain it in Eastern Ukraine because, frankly, most of the people who live there really are Russian. That's what they speak. They were always Russian, they were not part of Ukraine. ... When it's over the Ukrainians will be defeated. I hope that not too many of them are killed."
On to the second video with Trey Gowdy—who is in way over his head. Once again MacGregor is trying to explain realities and the irresponsibility of what the US is up to:
"What's happening now is, the battle in Eastern Ukraine is really almost over. All the Ukrainian troops there have been largely surrounded and cut off. You have a concentration ... down in the southeast and if they don't surrender in the next 24 hours I suspect the Russians will largely annihilate them. That's why Zelenskyy is meeting with Putin's representatives right now--the game is over. He's gonna hafta negotiate the best deal he can get, and we've already told him, the POTUS has told him, that if he opts for neutrality for Ukraine we'll back him. I think Vladimir Putin will do that for Western Ukraine [the Ukrainian heartland]. ... I'm not sure what he has planned [for Eastern Ukraine]."
Putin could form separate republics in the eastern, historically Russian, areas, or he could annex them outright. Putin will be happy to live with Western Ukraine as a neutral state that--along with Belarus--serves as a buffer to NATO and Poland. MacGregor doesn't say this, but my guess is that Putin will push for a tougher deal with regard to the Baltics. Poland is a considerable country in its own right with a relatively capable military--much more so than Ukraine in important respects. The Baltics are not in that league and never will be, due to their limited populations and economies.
At this point in the video Trey Gowdy professes his geographical ignorance and then repeats talking points that were certainly given to him by other geographically ignorant people. MacGregor heaves a heavy sigh before trying to explain, from an expert standpoint, childishly simple points. He's obviously not used to dealing with this level of ignorance and is groping a bit as he tries to explain the geographical realities.
"[Putin] is not interested in going to war with us. ... We are imputing to him things that he does not want to do [war with the US, war with any NATO countries] in our usual effort to demonize him and his country. ... [Ukraine] is not the shining example of democracy that everyone says it is [but, then, neither are we]. Far from it. I think we need to stay out of it. The American people think we should stay out of it. The Europeans think we should stay out of it, and we should stop shipping weapons and encouraging Ukrainians to dies in what is a hopeless endeavor."
That leads to the following remarkable exchange, in which MacGregor is once again clearly flummoxed by GOWDY's ignorant talking point--that what's going on is simply a Russian "land grab".
“GOWDY: So when you say, 'stay out of it,' you mean--no sanctions, no military aid, just let Russia take the portion of Ukraine they want to take.
“MacG: Yes. Absolutely. I see no reason why we should fight with the Russians over something they have been talking about for years. We simply chose to ignore it. And more important, the population [in Eastern Ukraine, which could be annexed to Russia] is indistinguishable from [Russia's] own. The thing that's so disturbing is that, on the one hand, we will not send our forces to fight, but we are urging Ukrainians to die pointlessly in a fight they can't win.”

That is not an American imperative in any recognizable sense. It should not be. Conservative dupes who play into this Globalist agenda need to wake up. Russia is not the enemy.
Col MacGregor appears to know his stuff. Looked at the wiki page and see he fought at 73 Easting. Former co-worker of mine was in Ghost Troop if I recall correctly. It’s sad how guys like MacGregor get cast off the ship by people who know he’s a clearer thinker than they are. Men like him should be Sec Def rather than retiring as Colonel. Sounds like a Patton-type.
I haven't seen the Marx Bros. "Duck Soup" recently, but Zelinsky seems to fit in there perfectly. Maybe Biden has a role. Our government and our media are cheering things on. Not having prevented the show from starting, as we would have under President Trump, we can only sit back and watch the show. Humanitarian crisis? I only wish our own government would be as concerned for its 'domestic terrorists', a label they have given two thirds of the country, as I expect Putin to be for the Ukrainians.