Most readers have probably seen tweets with these maps since yesterday. The captions vary, but the idea is: Kama Sutra only won in states that don’t have any voter ID requirements:
Do you believe in coincidence on this scale?
Snopes has done a helpful fact check on this: Misleading Post Says Harris Only Won in States Not Requiring Voter ID in 2024. If you read the Snopes post, what you’ll quickly see is that, while the claim is not strictly true, it’s MOSTLY true. Snopes even adds the useful information that PA only requires ID for first-time voters—otherwise, no ID. So, look at it this way. CA, NY, IL, MA give the Dems one helluva guaranteed head start on the popular vote and electoral vote combined. New York City, LA, Chicago, Boston, San Fran. That head start—call it the Blue Wall—allows the Dems to reallocate resources to peel off a few other states, by hook or by crook.
What does this tell you about how elections have been going since, say, 2008? And especially in 2020? You don’t have to deny all American demographic dynamics to see the degree of corruption here. Of course there are large numbers of foolish people across the country. What voter ID laws do is blunt the worst effects of human nature in the context of electoral processes. Do Big Cities vote heavily Blue, for all sorts of reasons? Yes, of course they do. But do the majority of the biggest cities also happen to be situated mostly in non-ID states? And have those states become the epicenter of election fraud? That’s like asking, is it coincidence that Dems so rabidly oppose honest voting rolls and registration and ID laws, and so viciously slander those who work for honest elections?
Trump’s 2016 win was the shot across the Ruling Class bow that led to the over the top 2020 steal—not even subtle. One commentator pointed out that, in a sense, Zhou saved the Dems for four years because, but for Zhou, they would have had to run Bernie, and how do you pull off a steal for Bernie? Hello, Bill Barr and Mitch McConnnell—and many others. You think they didn’t know all this?
So we owe Lara Trump and everyone else who did the hard work to prevent another steal. These people forced the Ruling Class to stand down from an attempted repeat of 2020. Part of that, of course, was the Too Big To Rig strategy, but Trump’s vote totals were nearly as big in 2020 as they are this year. The big difference is in the Dem vote totals. Yes, there was an enthusiasm deficit, but the amount of missing votes we’re talking about shows that the Ruling Class was faced down because of the GOP legal and ground game.
Eric Raymond talks about this:
I posted here last week that I thought the DNC had given up on winning via election fraud in the 2024 general. I believe my prediction was borne out, and now I'm going to think out loud about what that reveals.
The level of attempted shenanigans we saw in Pennsylvania and elsewhere was really low compared to 2020. This cycle we didn't have 3:00AM vote drops that violated the hell out of Benford's law. We didn't have convenient water-main breaks. We didn't have cardboard glued to windows to keep people from watching the counting. We didn't have 19 bellwether counties that always predict the national failing to predict the national. It's like the Democrats weren't really trying.
The Democratic fraud machine was clearly never a unitary conspiracy that could be turned on and off like a light switch; in order to be deniable, it has to be a whole bunch of smaller local conspiracies, all pulling in the same direction, not communicating with each other, managed to the limited extent they are managed by political operatives who act as deniable cutouts for the DNC and various state-level political machines.
I think some low-level fixers never got the message to stand down. So we got some spasmodic twitches like Democratic operatives in Bucks County PA masquerading as election workers, telling voters in a Republican-leaning precinct to go home. But the stochastic-fraud network as a whole didn't generate the strong stink it does when it's fully activated.
I'm not sure why the network didn't get its go signal this time. There are at least two possibilities: one is the DNC knew from internal polling that Harris was utterly doomed, the other is that they contemplated the amount of monitoring the Republicans put in place this time and quailed. Either way, they must have concluded that all they would accomplish by trying to put the fix in was risking the exposure of their network.
But the thing they can't hide now is the consequences. Somewhere around 15 million fewer votes, losing the popular vote, and losing all seven of the swing states that normally get buggered by big-city Democratic fraud machines.
It's the last confirmation I needed that 2020 was stolen. And it's big enough to make me suspect they frauded in Obama. Twice.
I only suspect, mind you, because unlike Biden I and Biden II and Harris, Obama ran campaigns that weren't somnolent dogshit. Maybe he won honestly - I'd still give that odds of over 50%, though not by much.
Still, I wish there were a way to do forensic audits that far back. Because the possibility of another Presidential election being swung by fraud needs to be eliminated, and making it common knowledge that Democratic fraud was endemic in the past would help with that.
One of the top priorities for the Republicans has to be pressuring the states to clean up their act. Mandatory voter ID, elimination of ballot harvesting and drop-boxes. No mail-in voting except in special hardship cases. You know, the things even poor Third World countries do so their election security isn't laughable.
Maybe Democrats will even stop opposing these measures now. Right, I know, who am I kidding...
Why is this important? Maybe it wouldn't be if government weren't so powerful and intrusive. But as it is, the stakes in elections keep getting higher and higher; the righteous anger that would be unleashed by revealed fraud becomes more and more daunting to contemplate; and I prefer my breakfast eggs without a side of civil war, thank you.
Trump and many others know this. What Trump has demonstrated to the GOP establishment—if they’re willing to look and listen—is that they don’t have to simply aspire to managing the Dem demolition of America. They can be part of making America great.
Feed this into that, as well:
According to data from the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the Harris campaign had received over $1 billion up until October 16 - including when it was the Joe Biden campaign.
Over the same period, the Trump campaign took in $392 million and spent $345 million.
I think Steve Bannon in addition to doing what he can to make the second Trump term a success has stated very publicly that he is going to do whatever he can to expose the steal of 2020.