As usual, I’ve gathered the following material from a variety of sources. It’s not my point to get into statistical or medical matters as such. The point is simply that, as Dr. John Campbell persuasively argues, something very significant is going on that demands an explanation—but no explanation is forthcoming. In his video (see below), after discussing the disturbing signs that excess mortality may actually be increasing, he concludes by stating—based on the statistical principle of consistency—that the excess mortality stats in the Anglosphere point toward a common causal factor behind the stats. He doesn’t name that factor. Various more or less seat of the pants explanations have been offered in attempts to direct attention away from a very obvious factor. None have successfully fooled the general public—that’s an important aspect of developments. Here, Ed Dowd expresses his skepticism at those explanations, and John Campbell’s analysis suggests that the skepticism is warranted:

So let’s go. My one comment on this first item—which strongly suggests a global plan to reduce population—is this. We know that the US funded the Gain of Function research at Wuhan. While there have been fringe attempts—meaning, non-official attempts—to lay the blame at the feet of the Chinese government, the thrust of official statements has definitely been to discount that angle. My take on that is that the development of the Covid virus in Wuhan (including previous work in the US) was probably a joint project. All I’m saying is that nothing would surprise me less than that the Chinese government should seek to alleviate its demographic pressures by culling the older age groups—just as the US did, using nursing homes and dangerous treatments (Remdesivir), etc. So—dream and reality:
I’ve deleted a fake video that was brought to my attention by commenter JD. That video isn’t essential so best just to delete it. Apologies to readers.
Let’s build up to excess mortality, gradually:

The next embedded video is 6-1/2 minutes. It’s quite compelling, given this guy’s background:

Here’s an interesting Alex Berenson piece that quotes a CDC employee (confirmed identity):
Thanks for the very insightful piece. I've written to you before-I work at CDC. Initially people were very pro-vaccine, rushing to get boosters when they were first available, clamoring for the approval so they could jab their kids, etc.
Now some confide to me that they don't want more boosters, and the body count is getting noticeable-people in their 40s-60s mostly, representative of the workplace.
But I don't think they'll ever admit they were wrong: there's no face-saving way I can think of to back down and admit the truth.
The body count is getting noticeable. Who’s noticing? Not the MSM.
And some are noticing the bodies that haven’t materialized, and are questioning that:

Here’s a long and well documented article by Daniel Horowitz. I’ll simply provide the 12 signals—follow the link for discussion:
12 new safety signals showing devastating dangers from COVID shots
1) 17% of children experienced some cardiac symptom after the Pfizer shot
2) 20% spike in excess deaths in England and Wales
3) 0 of 1,1779 COVID hospitalizations in New South Wales were unvaccinated
4) FDA admits massive elevated risk for heart attacks, blood clots, and pulmonary emboli
5) COVID vax was associated with 22%-74% greater all-cause mortality vs. being unvaccinated in U.K.
6) New bivalent booster even worse
7) Two studies show mRNA shots create wrong antibody class
8) New bivalent shot caused reactions in large minority of children
9) 51% of Democrats believe vaccines behind sudden deaths
10) VAERS analysis shows 500 injuries with greater safety signals than myocarditis
11) The CDC anticipated over 1,000 VAERS reports per day
12) Disability numbers skyrocket in U.S. and U.K. coinciding perfectly with vaccine take-up
Lastly, here’s the John Campbell Youtube video—it’s just over 16 minutes and the data is presented in Campbell’s usual understated manner:
Turning of the tide? The COVID narrative has finally begun to collapse in on itself
It’s clear that most people now realize what a malignant project the vaccine campaign was, and those of us who’ve been consigned to the Conspiracy Theory bin for the last few years are now, sadly, being vindicated.
Campbell has a video devoted to early warning signs of cancer. He says that he did it because doctors are seeing a big surge in cancer diagnoses and he expects it will continue. "For reasons I won't discuss."