How bad is the Euro Meltdown. This bad: This guy Merz—the presumptive new Chancellor in Germany—is saying that Europe is under siege from the East (Russia) and the West (America) and his job will be to unite Europe against this dual threat. A kind of Fourth Reich, but without the viable military.
Georgy Iashvili @hilislaw
Methinks, history is repeating itself as a farce, this time. It's an undisguised attempt on Germany's part to form a quasi-axis: "resisting" the United States, poising to unify Europe, leading a military pushback against the "historical enemy in the East!" Utterly pathetic.
4:22 AM · Feb 24, 2025
The new German chancellor is actually telling his people that his country is under siege from east and west. This rhetoric is 100% the sort of thing that created trouble in Europe before. It will likely metastasise in Germany if unchecked, morphing into different forms.
Meanwhile, Trump is saying that he wants his legacy to be that of a “peacemaker.” Could that be what has caused the Euro Ruling Class to lose their collective mind?
In a way yes, but it goes a bit deeper than that. Trump is seen as an existential threat to the the Euro-Prog model of government by self appointed experts who do not answer to the proles. Just as he is an existential threat to the New Deal Third American Republic which embodies the same model—rule by a self appointed and self perpetuating class of “experts” who answer to no one but themselves. (The Administrative State Is So Corrupt It Makes The 19th Century’s Patronage System Look Good) Here’s what I’m talking about.
During the years since the Russia Hoax, when I’ve discussed the American political landscape I’ve tended to emphasize a return to our constitutional order—an order in which functional power is divided among three branches of government (separation of powers) which balance each other. What the New Deal established was a new branch of government—the Administrative State, which embodied the Prog dream of government by “experts.” This is what has led to the gradual takeover of American life by radical trans-humanizers, whose goal is the destruction of human nature and the self creation of a new nature. That may not be the explicit and knowing goal of the half of the country that votes Prog, but that is certainly the goal of the 60s generation of radicals who lead the Prog movement.
The only institution leading the resistance to this and pushing back for a restoration of the American consitutional order has been the SCOTUS. I get a fair amount of pushback from readers who abominate John Roberts and all his works—as they view his works. These readers are puzzled by my limited defenses of Roberts. But the fact is that Roberts—whatever his faults or limitations—is committed to restoring the separation of powers. Roberts (with Thomas and Alito), along with the new Trump justices—all of whom are long time critics of the Administrative State—have incrementally dismantled the Administrative State, including in their rulings during the Zhou years. The limits to their efforts have been twofold.
First, the SCOTUS is limited by the Constitution to deciding cases and controversies—it is not a policy setting or governing body per se. Nor does the SCOTUS have a true enforcement mechanism. Thus, the SCOTUS has to wait for cases to arrive on its doorstep—cases whose factual background are conducive to principled decisions that possess reach. This means that, in a very real sense, the SCOTUS is “the weakest branch of government.” It is not the institution that one would choose to lead a revolution as broad as that of restoring constitutional order. Many conservatives have been deluded into believing such a judiciary led revolution is a real possibility by the example of the liberal courts of the past, but those revolutionary courts derived their power from the support of Prog led Congresses and the Admin State. The Roberts SCOTUS, while lacking that sort of unified backing, has—in repeated decisions—laid the groundwork for dismantling the Admin State (which includes the Deep State) and restoring the Unitary Executive that can spearhead a true revolution. That judicial groundwork is what Trump 2.0 is relying upon as it bulldozes one Prog sinecure after another.
This morning, on Judge Nap’s show, Alastair Crooke brilliantly connected these events in America with the Euro Meltdown. What we are seeing in America is Trump’s new revolutionary war to restore accountability to government by empowering the American people to demand accountability through the constitutional mechanism of the Unitary Executive in the person of the POTUS. This is what is derided as “populism”—the subject population electing an executive leader who is able to enforce the will of the populace on government—by tearing down the unconstitutional “independent” agencies. Veep Vance went to Munich and told the Euro Deep State that Trump wants to see the same process take place in Europe.
That was the deeper background to Vance’s critique of the Euro Deep State’s suppression of freedom of speech. Europe, Crooke explains, has no separation of powers, no constitution to fall back on, no truly independent judiciary. It is, he says, a pure, archetypal Administrative State with no accountability to the subject population. And it has been acting in concert with the American Prog Deep State, the Anglo-Zionist Empire. This is also the deeper meaning of the war on Russia.
With this intro, read this partial (and edited) transcript:
Alastair Crooke : Political Implosion in Israel and Political Earthquake in Germany
Crooke: So with no separation of powers, what we are talking about is that the European Union, Brussels, essentially is *just* an administrative state--it has nothing else. It is the archetypical executive state. And a Deep State. And linked to the American Deep State. So what all this means is that when the previous [US] administration made the determination that populists were a threat to “democracy,” [the US] State Department, USAID, and all the sort of hangers on to this foreign policy structure, went to Europe and said to them: 'You've got to do more to stop disinformation, misinformation--whatever-- you've got to crack down on the populists everywhere, you've got to stop them!' The firewalls [again 'populist' movements] preceded this, but the firewalls got an extra sort of layer on top of that. So this is what what was happening in Europe, and they were working totally in tandem with that part of the Deep State of America, the Administrative State that was opposed to populists having and gaining any power. This is where Germany comes in.
Vance: The threat that I worry the most about vis a vis Europe is not Russia, it's not China, it's not any other external actor. What I worry about is the threat from within--the retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values.
Note that the “threat from within” that Vance sees is not the threat of populist movements—it’s the threat of the globalist elite ruling class. They are the ones suppressing freedom and fundamental values of human nature. That’s the kind of language that Americans more or less take for granted, but the Euro Rulers understood this, correctly, as an existential threat to their power—and lost their minds.
Crooke: [Vance] was saying it is an American interest to have free speech and for you Europeans to tear down the fire walls separating your governments from populist movements that may have support amongst the electorate--but which have not been allowed to share power. Now, add to add to this the results of yesterday's elections in Germany.
What Vance was saying in that piece was that we [Americans] want to see you [Europeans] do what we are doing, what the Trump team are doing. We are [launching] a Blitkrieg against the Administrative State. Well, the Administrative State in Europe is Brussels, so this is what he's actually questioning. And so Europe is going nuts, thinking that they are now at war with the United States. And of course the key to all of this, and why it is so important, is Ukraine--because Ukraine has been the one glue that has kept these 32 disparate states of Europe together and given them this sort of semblance of an identity. That is, an EU identity and not a European identity. Now all of this is suddenly being questioned, and they are terrified. What this means for them, effectively, is that this is saying that Brussels is over, and probably NATO will follow in due course. Where does that leave Europe? It leaves Europe as a sort of promontory of Eurasia, as a Eurasian Corridor, but stripped of any real political significance and so they're desperate to come and persuade Mr Trump that they've got to win, and they've got to do something about Putin. Putin cannot be allowed to win.
Next Crooke raises the issue of the serial visits of Euro “leaders” to DC to try to fool Trump into continuing the war on Russia.
Judge: [Trump is] a negotiator. He'll say, 'I hear what you want. What am I going to get out of it?
Crooke: Well Starmer is proposing what he calls a triple exercise with Trump.
One is that they're going to increase defense spending. I can tell you Europe--and Britain particularly--can't afford [that] ...
Then he's going to offer a new way of hitting at Russia on the Black Sea--new fast drones that will be able to hit the Russian Fleet in the Black Sea ...
We discussed that last week.
The third part of his offer was a state visit to to the UK where he would meet and have lunch with the King. [Laughing] It's really a joke. And then Macron has come to tell him, 'You've got to stand up to Putin! Putin only respects people who are tough, so you've got to be tough! That's the only way to to get what you want with Putin!'
But really the elites see the writing on the wall. Russia and America are going to normalize and they're going to do business together. Furthermore, what is left for Europe is it won't be an actor at the table or anywhere else--it will just be relegated to being part of the Eurasian [trade] corridors, but not playing a role. The reality is that Europe has nothing to offer.
All Europe is saying is, 'Let's keep doing the same. Yes, it's failing but let's keep doing it anyway.'
It largely boils down to the Euro Ruling Class have an emotional breakdown and trying to get Trump to care about their emotional state. They can’t face Britain reverting to being a relatively unimportant island with a penchant for dress up and pomp—an Empire no more. But Germany will sooner or later normalize with Russia and Britain will have to accept its new lack of importance.
Putin handled that meeting in Riyadh extremely well. He brought the head of their Sovereign Wealth Fund to talk business to these three [Americans] and said, 'Look we can do joint ventures in the Arctic and elsewhere’--just the things that Trump is actually looking for. To set up a wealth fund, an American Wealth Fund. These could be some of the assets in an American Wealth Fund. I think [the Americans] were very intrigued by the business and what the Russian interlocutor said to them. You know: 'You've already lost $350 billion worth of business in the last three years that you could have been doing with Russia. And eyes started to light up.
The EU is an Administrative State that is on the other end of history from what Trump is doing in the United States. Trump is trying to bring back control of the executive power and to have it directly connected to the electorate. Well there's no electorate connected to the European Commission at all.
Trump’s envoy, Steve Witkoff, went on CBS to discuss—among other things—his rather phenomenal 3 and a half hour meeting with Putin. Putin is clearly a talker who is interested in a broad exchange of ideas. CTH has cued up video for that that I’ve pasted in. You’ll see that Crooke got some of his ideas from Witkoff’s interview, and you’ll see that Russia has real things to bring to the table—unlike the Euros. Trump has a well thought out plan, and no lunch with Chuck is going to somehow deter him from his purpose. It’s a bit assuming to see Margaret Brennan try to trap Witkoff into accepting globalist prog talking points. Witkoff actually smiled at one point—he was having none of that.
You can go to CTH for a transcript of this portion of the video.
Very good commentary:
German elections, government coalition of losers
As Scott Ritter and many others have said, we are in the middle of a revolution. Events that we could only dream of are not only happening but happening at a pace that is electrifying. Great take on the EU. And of course, being the EU, they will react in the only way they know: to try and grab even more power. I expect the calls for a European army to grow louder from certain quarters, even though there is no money or manpower to create one. After all, how can you be a global superstate without an army? Of course, it will all come to nothing. Over the coming few years (or months?) most if not all of the Euro culprits will be begging Russia for mercy.