Last night Tucker Carlson reminded us how we got here, to the brink of war with Russia. I know it’s been a long trek to this point, but an unquestionable turning point was disgraced former AG Bluto Barr’s decision to bury the Baidan Crime Family’s “laptop from hell”, to say nothing about the NYPost’s revelation of the unquestionably authentic revelations of what everyone knew: Zhou Baidan has for years, maybe decades, been at the head of an influence peddling racket that sold the interests of the American people to foreign powers. For money.
It was Bluto Barr’s decision that, because he disliked President Trump, Zhou was a good enough replacement for Trump—despite his clear corruption, susceptibility to blackmail, and decrepit mental condition. And so Bluto kept his mouth shut while the Deep State and its media proxies condemned the NYPost as a purveyor of “Russian disinformation”. He kept his mouth shut while Zhou proclaimed on national television that, in Bluto’s brave new world of Deep State coups, the truth had somehow become “untrue.” And for this betrayal of the country Bluto is receiving the “strange new respect” treatment from the usual MSM suspects, basking in deferential interviews.
All of this, mind you, came as the sequel to four years or more of DC Establishment and MSM fueled lies about Putin and Russia, poisoning the minds of Americans—few of whom were really paying attention. One hysterical hoax after another, one faux impeachment after another, culminating in the suppression of the “laptop from hell” that, as Tucker points out, served as the excuse for instituting the DC Establishment and Deep State’s regime of censorship by Big Tech proxy. That new censorship regime was cemented in place with the Covid hoax, so here we are.
The result is the totally predictable debacle of not only our economy but of our entire constitutional order, but Bluto is too modest to take credit. He’s busy talking up the virtues of that famous “principled conservative” Jeb! And the MSM isn’t asking him any uncomfortable questions about what he knew, and when. I think we all know the answers. J6 was an “insurrection” but Bluto couldn’t stir himself to act when the country was turned upside down for a year by BLM and Antifa.

Now George Soros and the forces behind the Globalist Great Reset have spoken: Not only Russia’s Putin but also China’s Xi must be “replaced”, “removed from power.” Because Ukraine. Because Nazis are OK if they’re in our pockets.
Zhou will get on the phone today, script at the ready, to read the riot act to China’s Xi, to berate and belittle—whatever you may think of him personally—the head of state of a proud and ancient civilization. The result, again, is totally predictable—because the Chinese have already rejected American attempts to browbeat them:

Per Zerohedge, Zhou is simply enraging the Chinese:
Going into the call, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said the administration hopes Xi "chooses the right side of history."
Meanwhile, within 12 hours ahead of the call, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying issued some choice words lashing out at the US administration's recent growing accusations: "If the US had truly abided by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, how could it have staged wars without remorse for the people of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq & Syria…?"
The fiery statement pivoted to this...
"On the Ukraine issue, between the US and Russia, there are scores of countries besides China that are drawing independent conclusions, trying to deescalate the situation, encouraging peace talks in deeds as well as words, and protecting their legitimate rights and interests."
"Ukrainian people need peace and security instead of weapons and ammunition" she added. And more...
The claim that #China is on the wrong side of history is overbearing. It is the #US that is on the wrong side of history.
— Hua Chunying 华春莹 (@SpokespersonCHN) March 18, 2022
All of the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa—appear to be standing together against American bullying. What could go wrong, other than a world war? But the GOP has, almost to a “man” fallen into lockstep behind Zhou and Pelosi. For most GOPers, it’s turned into a sort of competition to prove that they’re somehow “tougher” than the mindlessly pugnacious Zhou (when he has Secret Service around him). Not to be outdone by non compos Zhou calling Putin a “killer” and a “war criminal”, Lindsey! has tripled down—thrice calling for Putin’s assassination. That must have earned Lindsey! a pat on the head from Soros.

But, with only a few brave exceptions, in vote after vote the GOP has toed the Deep State and Zhou line. We are left with Candace Owens to pull a NYPost and point out that the narrative has no clothes. It’s all based on lies:

As the Globalist Deep State has people in the West reeling from one hysteria to the next, is there any other voice of reason? Perhaps:
The Russian president also directly addressed westerners who are being told by the legacy media that skyrocketing gas prices and other economic hardships are purely to blame on Putin.
“I want ordinary Western people hear me, too,” Putin said.
“You are being persistently told that your current difficulties are the result of Russia’s hostile actions and that you have to pay for the efforts to counter the alleged Russian threat from your own pockets. All of that is a lie.”
“The truth is that the problems faced by millions of people in the West are the result of many years of actions by the ruling elite of your respective countries, their mistakes, and short-sighted policies and ambitions. This elite is not thinking about how to improve the lives of their citizens in Western countries. They are obsessed with their own self-serving interests and super profits.”
No doubt that very same elite will now cite Putin’s criticism of them as reason to assert they have the moral high ground.
Putin is now so roundly vilified, he is turning into some kind of mythical Emmanuel Goldstein figure onto which every crisis and catastrophe can be pinned by the regime.
I think he’s on to something. If he weren’t, why are our rulers lying to us? Why are discordant voices simply shouted down? Is it too late to have, like, an actual discussion of what’s going on, where we’re headed?
Media lied about collusion and the laptop. And you believe them on Ukraine?
The images on TV from Ukraine are terrible.
You would have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by the media images. And you would have to have a head of rock to fall for it again.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me thrice, and dear Lord, I am a liberal.
Don Surber: Biden will talk with Chairman Xi today, provided Red China finds a jibberish-to-Mandarin translator.