No surprise here. As I’ve said, I can’t be very interested. Yes, there have been some revelations, but really we knew all we needed to know long ago. If you insist, you can read more here:
Durham Denied (Again) - Igor Danchenko Not Guilty On All Counts
The real story is that Danchenko should not have been a defendant. He should have been a witness against FBI officials:
When presented with the FBI failures documented during the Danchenko trial (and the Michael Sussmann trial), one can’t help but be reminded of their investigation of the DNC “hack.” Both investigations have similar types of “errors”: the failure to pursue investigative leads and collect evidence, and uncorroborated claims of Russian interference (or collusion) based on information provided by DNC/Clinton “contractors”.
So, in more interesting events, Tom Luongo has a new post up that develops most of the things I covered in my recent coverage of his latest interview. He’s taken his oral presentation and put it into a more tightly organized written form. It’s very interesting:
Fed Watch: When They Call For the Bailiff You Know You’re Winning
Here’s how he begins:
In the face of the Fed’s intransigent hawkishness we are now on the verge of exposing the worst lies of two generations of people in power. I’ve maintained for more than a year now that the global oligarchy known here as The Davos Crowd thought they’d run the table on the US and the UK with COVID-19.
The various bailout packages, Pelosi’s CARES Act and pending legislation — Build Back Better, etc. — were supposed to destroy the fiscal position of the US once and for all. These were political blackmail to force the Fed not to raise rates when it clearly needed to.
That Pelosi were only able to pass neutered versions of these bills is a sign that powerful forces behind the scenes are not down with this plan.
Now, in light of the near-complete coup attempt against UK Prime Minister Liz Truss (more on that later this week) we are looking at big power plays to decide whether Davos will retain control over Western policy. Truss’ difficulties point to Davos having a few markers to call in here.
He goes on to say something that suggests the way things are working out. Russia is winning, and that means the collective West is losing. There’s no way to get around that. The key Western loser is Davos. US global influence will be reduced, but America will still remain a major player. So:
I asked the big question last week, “Can the Fed Afford to Pivot,” with the US $31 trillion in debt?
The answer from the Fed has been a consistent, no.
And that means Davos is in serious trouble. As I’ve tirelessly pointed out, the Fed controls global dollar liquidity in a way they haven’t in decades. And that is why the screams of pain from all the usual suspects are so loud.
That said, Davos continues to execute a script they have no way to augment if they want to achieve their stated goals. Taking out the UK was the right move. But, is it a move that puts them on the path to winning or just an attack of opportunity in a series of rearguard actions?
There’s lots more at the link. However, place what Luongo is saying in the context of Russia’s very obviously increasing confidence—you can see that confidence in the military situation and in official statements, both political and military sitreps. Listening to Alexander Mercouris today, discussing Putin’s most recent press conference, Putin was asked whether Ukraine would cease to exist as a sovereign entity. Putin, in his usual forthright manner responded: “When we started the SMO that had not been our intention.”
Boom. Past tense. Implying that Russian intentions may have changed and that Ukraine’s very existence is now in play. To my way of thinking, there is simply no way that Putin would say that if he had any significant doubt that he could follow through. He knows he’s winning. And that means that his enemies in the collective West are losing—bigly. The Fed is not one of those enemies. Powell has openly suggested that the USD could become one reserve currency in a sort of basket of reserve currencies. That plays pretty well with Putin’s concept of a multi-polar world.
No doubt there will be bumps in the road, unexpected twists, but I think we can see where things are headed. The world is watching the US midterms. A Republican Congress with even a few outspoken opponents of elite war mongering could change the dynamics of US foreign policy virtually overnight. They could also lend support to the crusade by Powell and his backers to take back control over fiscal policy from the out of control forces of globalist connected politicians.
There’s every reason in the world for everyone to get out and vote.
In the meantime, you might enjoy this video:
The fact that the political and media establishments have paid Durham no mind whatsoever is proof enough for me that his “investigation” is irrelevant by design. If he were ever a true threat he’d have been attacked morning, noon, and night.
What is Hillary now 10-0? Anything she has her hands in, whether at the beginning or the end, she skates. From cattle futures, Whitewater, WH travel office, the guy who "shot himself", Benghazi and all the Trump stuff.