I have a few things going on today, so before actual news develops and I get snowed under, let’s try to catch up with a few things.
First Sussmann. This isn’t news, but we’re all a bit anxious about Durham’s investigation, right? Could this possibly be for real?
Just in case you’re paying attention to the narratives in the MSM (aka “Fake News”), Margot Cleveland dissects:
5 False Narratives About The Spygate Indictment Of Michael Sussmann
The biggest backers of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax have already exonerated Sussmann. That fits a long pattern of them downplaying every advance in investigation into their hoax.
Here’s my bottom line. Whether or not any of the criminals ever spend a single day in jail, Durham’s indictment is not nothing. The facts are there—not just theory, but actual data points. And the data amply supports the theory of the case, right back to Hillary. These findings won’t go away unless the American people want them to.
OK. On to Covid. These will be brief summaries with links.
Karl Denninger has a total must read post today:
Please read it all. The short version is that in March 2020 a Spanish nursing, in which the mean age of residents was 85 with extensive comorbidities, discovered how to treat and defeat Covid. None of the residents had been vaxxed, obviously. All the residents caught Covid, all recovered, none were hospitalized. They virtually all also developed immunity. They did it with (short form) Claritin, Azythromicin, and saline nasal spray. Read the article for the longer story, but here’s KD’s conclusion—which we’ll be reinforcing with other sources. Read it and ponder the implications:
With these numbers there is no reason to fear a Covid-19 infection. There is no reason to take a vaccine. There was never a reason to develop a vaccine, especially the ones we have today; infection that does not produce severe disease is sterilizing and thus wildly superior to vaccinated immunity which is now proved to be failing worldwide. There is no reason to wear a mask.
Those who died did not do so due to a "novel coronavirus"; we knew how to treat that infection successfully for pennies in March and April of 2020. Yes, in the first month or two people died because we did not know.
Beyond April of 2020 people died because we let the medical system and governments murder them for profit and they're still doing it today. We, the people, have allowed this. We have failed and refused to rise up and hold accountable, personally, every single hospital, doctor, so-called "hero" nurse and every single politician across the globe. They willfully and intentionally slaughtered millions on a global basis.
The answer to the problem -- to Covid-19 -- was known in March and April of 2020 and yet not published until January of this year, and even then not one single bit of media attention nor a single mention from Fauci, the CDC, the NIH or FDA has been made, all in the interest of Moderna and Pfizer's stock prices and the power-mad jackasses on an international basis -- at the cost of your loved ones' lives.
That wasn't an accident and it still isn't one.
Still not an accident? Two tweets just to confirm that:

Next, a lengthy article that comes highly recommended by Robert Malone. It seconds KD’s bottom line and takes on added significance in view of the brutal repression in Australia. A brief excerpt follows the recommending tweet:

THE analyst Dr Will Jones has observed that the world is in the grip of something akin to religious mania in its response to the arrival of Covid-19. I feel sure he is right. We have suffered greatly from this mania and are in real danger of an even greater crisis ahead.
Dalek-like cries of ‘Vaccinate! Vaccinate!’ are everywhere, and yet many reputable doctors and scientists have warned for months of existing hazards from the jab, including deaths and injuries linked to its unique and experimental mode of action, and future risks that may be even more dire. (See also here and here.)
Information that could end the ‘vaccine dystopia’ is out there. It is present in a multitude of sources, including the UK’s own TCW Defending Freedom and The Daily Sceptic, but is still largely withheld from the wider public by governments, their advisers, and the mainstream media.
I do not share the view that there is a depopulation agenda at work, or that super-prisons are being built to house the unvaccinated, or that microchips are to be implanted in us by crazed technocrats. But I can understand how such theories gain credence while top scientists who funded the work that created the virus remain in denial about what they have done, and world leaders who were informed of SARS-CoV-2’s laboratory origin remain in the panic mode that brought such a disastrous response.
Our leaders, both scientific and political, have barricaded themselves behind a wall that is preventing them from seeing and hearing the reality. This time, unlike in the tragic ‘HIV’/Aids story, perhaps the fourth estate will soon recognise that it can step back from its own well-intentioned panic stations, and bring that wall down.
Driving back from the store this morning I remarked to my wife that the Left has for decades been searching for a crisis narrative that would allow them to take total control. Think back to the various mass hysterias that have been ginned up—from child care sex abuse to global warming. They all suffered from defects: they were too easily debunked or were too abstract. But germ fear and the accompanying hysteria really gets to a significant segment of the population. It’s a phenomenon that Steve Sailer has described and that explains so much of modern culture—the masses have been reduced to the psychological level of adolescent white girls. Think about that. Think about the state of education.
But in Norway the health authorities seem to have got a grip and have decided to act like adults and—get ready for this—and follow the science, not the hysteria:
Norway reclassifies Covid-19: No more dangerous than ordinary flu
Covid-19 is treated in the mass media as a very dangerous disease in the face of which mass vaccination and severe restrictions for the whole society are applauded despite few deaths beyond the risk groups. But in Norway, it has now been decided to treat it like other respiratory diseases, such as influenza or the cold virus, because according to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health it is no longer more dangerous than these.
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health FHI has made the remarkable, but statistically supported, decision to classify Covid-19 as a respiratory disease that is as dangerous as the common flu. It is clarified that the pandemic is not over, but that it has entered a new phase where Covid-19 is now equated with a common respiratory disease, such as a flu or respiratory infection. This is done, among other things, due to the mutations that the Coronavirus has undergone, which makes it less dangerous, together with increased natural and vaccination-induced immunity that has been achieved in Norwegian society.
Although the infection itself continues to circulate in the population, this does not mean an increase in hospital stays, which in itself means that the Coronavirus no longer creates a large burden on healthcare in Norway. This is because the vast majority of those at risk are protected. Those who are vaccinated also get severe symptoms and those who are not in the risk groups also usually only get ordinary mild cold symptoms. FHI thus makes the assessment that the Coronavirus now joins the ranks of other respiratory viruses such as the common cold and seasonal flu.
It’s almost as if the Norwegian authorities have decided that Pfizer and Moderna share prices are someone else’s concern and that they should concentrate on the health and well being of their citizens, instead. Well, that’s the Norwegians. Here in the US we have the best government money can buy.
In the interests of readability, here’s a thread from Robert Malone (except he doesn’t know how to do properly connected threads) that hits—as he does increasingly—on the corrupt politico - scientific complex. There are some good links in the thread, including some I’ve inserted:
Robert W Malone, MD
Well, this is interesting. I am in awe of George Orwell. How amazingly prescient he was.
Quote Tweet
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
@RWMaloneMD Have you seen this? https://thenewamerican.com/cnn-do-not-do-your-own-research-on-covid-vaccines-to-avoid-misinformation/… Interesting that CNN doesn’t want people doing their own research because they will fall victim to misleading statistics & confirmation bias….
Bobby is on fire in this manuscript. The depth of information and facts, all carefully cited, is mindblowing. It is a must read. I think it will really help clarify what has been going down here.
[I am not sure what manuscript Malone is referring to—could it be to this article at Lifesite today?
[The emperor has no clothes: COVID math simply doesn’t add up]
I am currently reviewing/editing RFK jr.'s (Bobby Kennedy) book regarding Anthony Fauci. It is amazing. I thought I understood what was going on from an insider POV. But this is mind blowing. AF is playing precisely the strategy that he developed and tested during the HIV days.
Just let that sink in a bit.
[The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health]
What do things look like in six months from now, if USA and the rest of the western world is facing the level of disease and death that Israel is now dealing with?
The evidence is increasingly strong that the NIAID and Fauci (and by extension, both USG and CCCP) literally have blood on their hands. This must be an enormous psychological burden on USG leadership. What I am seeing looks a lot like despertion. They did this. To the world.
So, RE the "why" question.
Yes, there are the financial incentive aspects.
And there is the "great reset" argument.
But just consider what it must be like to be aware that the data are increasingly clear that this is a bioengineered virus. US and CCP made.
An appeal for an objective, open, and transparent scientific debate about the origin of SARS-CoV-2
On July 5, 2021, a Correspondence was published in The Lancet called “Science, not speculation, is essential to determine how SARS-CoV-2 reached humans”.1 The letter recapitulates the arguments of an...
The good news—because I want to end on a positive note. The good news is that this news is increasingly getting out. All the scare propaganda and outright disinformation appears to be increasingly discounted—people are simply NOT beating down the doors to get injected. People ARE seeing what’s happening in Australia—what it means when a government turns on the populace. Oh—they’re also seeing the increasing economic dislocation, when they go to the grocery store to buy basic necessities.
The Covid and Insurrection narratives are gonna fall flat, perhaps sooner than we think.
"Our leaders, both scientific and political, have barricaded themselves behind a wall that is preventing them from seeing and hearing the reality. "
Lord bless her but she needs to get out more. How can anyone really believe that the problem is leaders who've barricaded themselves so they can't see the truth? I think she is the one who doesn't want to see the truth-- namely, that the oligarchs see and hear just fine but are (A) making too much money /corrupt to care (B) too afraid of the consequences if the truth comes out (C) have a sick delight in wielding power over the plebes (D) all of the above.
On the RFK jr. book due out on 11/9, Breggin's book We are the Prey also touches on some of the same themes showing not only the relationship between Dr. Evil, Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance, Wuhan lab, CCP, but also shows how good old Bill Gates is woven into all this as well with connections also to the WHO, Schwab's WEF, several Big Pharma Vax makers, and the UK's MHRA (UK "CDC"). One thing I bet you didn't know is Gates was involved in funding the genetically modified mosquito project in the Florida Keys? Yikes!
I was able to get a copy of the draft included by purchasing the book prior to 9/1. It's supposed to ship any day now if not already and no I'm not plugging the book for any kind of compensation, but it is a very intense and detailed look with probably 1000 citations of all the planning these monsters have been doing for quite some time.