What can you say about the theater of the absurd that is American politics these days? I won’t try to outdo other commentators regarding Dementia Zhou’s announcement of his cancer. It turns out that he doesn’t really have cancer, according to the White House, but he does have Covid. Per the announcement that my wife just heard on the radio.
Of course, coming on the heels of further disastrous polling results—including an eye-opening 18% approval rating among Hispanics in one poll—one has to wonder about this Covid announcement. Is it possible that this is simply a ploy to get Zhou out of the public eye, send him back to the basement? Or a ploy to gain sympathy for a pathetic figure? Then again, there appears to be no regime figure capable of generating trust or sympathy in this summer of America’s discontent.
Strange days.
Whatever it may or may not be, one thing is clear: there is an agenda behind this announcement. With all of the negative coverage and polls lately, this may be what they've decided to come up with to shuffle him off into obscurity. I take nothing at face value that comes out of this administration. It's been nothing but gaslighting 24/7 since inauguration.
The biggest problem for Biden and his handlers is that people no longer have any real respect for him. There is something I learned many years ago: the respect that goes with a position--schoolteacher, boss, pastor, government official, and many more--has a limited life, maybe as little as a couple of weeks. Its main value is to give you time to earn real respect by your actions. All too many people, in all areas of life, do not understand this concept. And Biden has blown it big time in this department.