The good news is that Americans appear to be wising up to the machinations of the Ruling Class and the Deep State.
Item: Only 2% of Americans have got themselves shot up with the latest mRNA gene therapy medication, ostensibly related to Covid. Pfizer and Moderna share prices reflect this lack of interest.
Item: Americans are less and less interested in purchasing EVs. Tesla is in an endless series of price cuts, Ford can’t give away it’s battery powered F-150s so it’s converting them to internal combustion versions. Anecdotally, I was at a car dealer recently and was told that their lot was crowded with EVs they can’t sell, while they can’t get their hands on the popular conventional models. Some what to run a business, eh?
Item: CBS (of all MSM outfits) did a poll that may suggest something approaching a a seismic shift with regard to Palestine. I lifted this from Simplicius, who has a good take on Zhou’s gaslighting address last night. Simplicius also notes that the like/dislike stats for Zhou’s gaslighting are revealing. While those stats are about even on explicitly liberal outlets like NPR and WaPo—a bad showing—dislikes outpace likes on the more MSMish outlets like AP, CBS, and ABC by 2:1. Will our “elected representatives” pay attention? Is there some point at which public opinion trumps campaign money?
First, a suggestive photo montage—the man behind the curtain shouldn’t peak out like that. It gives the wrong impression:
Now the poll results:
In the past, GOP support for expanded war has trended as high as 70%, so this—combined with the Independent numbers—suggests an important shift. No doubt some of it is simply war fatigue. That was a real thing as far back as Trump’s election in 2016, but the numbers may also suggest that people are giving some hard thought to what’s going on and what America’s proper role in projecting warlike power around the globe should be.
This item, which I saw yesterday, also took me by surprise. It comes from The Telegraph, a prime Neocon outlet in the UK. It definitely goes against the Neocon narrative of Israel’s supposedly humanitarian bombing campaign:
Again, I don’t know how the mechanics within the House of Reps work, but if lack of a Speaker can delay a vote on more billions for war, I’m for the dealy.
The same video that shows Tony “The Man Behind the Curtain” Blinken over Zhou’s shoulder, also shows him exchanging nervous glances with John “Admiral” Kirby. What clowns. Watch to the very end: (2 min)
I don't think the Israelis were much into "precision" bombing in the first place. Whatever the terminology they use, they fight in the traditional neocon way: blast everything in sight and let God sort out the victims. It rather reminds me of that old joke about the British and US approach to bombing strategy in WW2: The Brits bombed area targets with precision; the Yanks bombed precision targets by the area.