I should have added, but …
Anyway. Regarding Ian Proud’s goofy notion that the Anglo-Zionist West is in a position to be able to play a carrot/stick game in negotiations with Russia, using sanctions and promises of “relief” in the future for current “good behavior” …
This is a game that more than one can play. The BRICS momentum continues to build—as witness Indonesia joining. At a certain point the Anglo-Zionists will find themselves in the position of sanctioning most of the world. But China has shown that turn about is fair play, by sanctioning major US defense contractors, like Raytheon, who depend on China for parts. Rejiggering manufacturing and supply chains is not an overnight proposition when those sectors have been so long neglected.
As for power projection, Slusher presents that as a US preserve almost exclusively—although he sees that changing in the future. As I indicated with my reference to the 2008 Georgia matter, Russia has long been capable of dealing with its “near abroad”—perhaps not on a major scale or for the long term. However, as Slusher also notes, military intimidation on a global scale has never been a Russian aim. Self defense has been the aim.
On the other hand, the Anglo-Zionist war on Russia has featured the location of major military threats in Russia’s “near abroad”. Without claiming military expertise, I would contend that Russia—even now—is increasingly capable of dealing with all such threats. Let me be specific. Russia is easily capable of obliterating any NATO military component in its near abroad. That includes at a minimum—moving from north to south—Finland, the Baltics, Poland, and others all the way down to the Black Sea.
Now, of course, this situation is increasingly fluid. Slovakia and Hungary have largely broken with the NATO camp and Romania—with its key NATO base—is on the road in that direction, as well. Election engineering won’t change that. Public opinion in Poland—long a hardcore supporter of war on Russia—is also shifting. As matters stand, Russia can easily eliminate NATO bases in Finland and can also eliminate major NATO bases in Poland and Romania. Poland, certainly the most capable military force in that region, probably could not resist for more than a week or so before its military was completely decimated. There would be no need for a Russian invasion. The US would have no effective response.
That’s the current state of affairs, and it will only continue to shift in Russia’s (and China’s) favor. The solution is not to play stupid games—we all know what prizes come from that. The solution, as Doug Macgregor likes to say, is: Make peace, you fools!
Here's a long article addressing the China front of the Anglo-Zionist global war:
Chinese Military Might vs Washington’s Asymmetrical Tools of Empire
Brian Berletic, January 11, 2025
China continues to strengthen its military capabilities, combining rapid growth in conventional power with readiness to counter U.S. asymmetrical strategies.
The US has had a dementia patient as its figurehead president for 4 years and the power-players calling the shots have been largely immune from the consequences of their decisions. In other words, no accountability. That is why we are in the mess we're in. That is why the stolen election of 2020 was so consequential. The national debt has exploded beyond repair. Our system of justice has also been debased likely beyond repair unless these perpetrators are held to account. Ditto for the federal health service and law enforcement agencies. As bad as our foreign affairs are, our domestic problems are an order of magnitude worse. We can't just keep defining the problem with ever greater erudition. At some point solutions must be initiated. We will know soon if Trump has it in him to actually solve problems.