Yesterday, when the story broke that the Anglo-Zionists were about to authorize direct American long range missile strikes on Russia (from the territory of Ukraine), I assumed that the purpose of this escalation was to attempt to coerce Russia into acceding to a ceasefire on Anglo-Zionist terms. Blinken is in Kiev currently and, so far, hasn’t spoken about this plan—although he continues to claim that Ukraine will at some point be able to join NATO and that NATO will remain united against “Putin”.
Regardless of whether the escalation occurs or not (Danny Davis and Jacques Baud discuss the contradictory reports at length), what became clear from the coverage of this story revealed is that the Anglo-Zionists are absolutely freaking out over the claim—denied by Russia and Iran—that Iran is providing relatively short range (~75 mile range) ballistic missiles to Russia. The claim coming from the Anglo-Zionists is that the American deep strike missiles would be a response to the Russia - Iran deal. At first glance, this seems wildly disproportionate as escalations go, in terms of the respective range and striking power of the missiles in question. How are these two developments—if they come to pass—connected?
However, Alexander Mercouris has pointed out an aspect of the Russia - Iran deal that makes sense of the freakout—and Mercouris accepts that this deal is for real. Mercouris maintains that the shipments of Iranian missiles to Russia are basically in kind payment for Russia’s provision to Iran of the most advanced widely deployed Russian air defense systems, the S-400. Presumably, just as with NATO missiles in Ukraine, Russian technicians will probably be provided with the missiles, until Iranians can be fully trained on the S-400 systems. Mercouris maintains that the S-400s could be a game changer for Iran and explain Iran’s delay in responding to the latest Israeli efforts to provoke a regional war. Iran’s strategic calculation is that a regional war is coming whether they want it or not, so they are preparing for that eventuality. An invasion of Iran is off the table, so preparation for war on Iran’s part has to focus on air defense. So the real freakout is over Russia’s aid to Iran to ward off an Israeli attack. From this standpoint, the threatened authorization of direct American deep strikes on Russia is actually geared toward deterring Russian aid to Iran.
All of this illustrates how closely Israel and Russia are connected in the Anglo-Zionist mind. But as Mercouris points out, the ever closer relations between Russian and Iran are a direct response to the Anglo-Zionist march to war against both countries, just as the march to war against China has resulted in the strategic military cooperation between Russia and China. Another aspect of the Iran missiles that are being sent to Russia should also be noted. The Russians will be able to test the Iranian missiles against NATO air defense systems and to possibly share with Iran ways to upgrade those missiles based on the results of their use in Ukraine.
With regard to the American/NATO war on Russia, Lawrence Wilkerson had some interesting remarks to make in conversation with Judge Nap. While aware of the reports about possible long range American strikes on Russia, Wilkerson stated that he has been getting reports (his sources may include both military and diplomatic sources) that indicate a growing realization among the Anglo-Zionists that the war is lost. He believes that the Anglo-Zionists are struggling to find ways to keep the Ukrainian war effort going past the US election, which shows how dire the situation has become.
Beyond the military issues, however, Wilkerson pointed to signs that NATO itself is openly fragmenting. He maintained that France and Germany both are coming to the realization of what the Anglo-Zionists have inflicted on their economies—certainly in Germany there are increasing voices pointing to exactly that aspect. This is also behind the bitter recriminations between Poland and Germany over the Nordstream sabotage. The two countries are each trying to blame the other for the sabotage—the reality being, of course, that both were involved. Both considerations lead Wilkerson to maintain that Putin is in the catbird seat.
One other matter is worth noting. I and many commenters have argued that Putin cannot end the war without taking Odessa. The past week has seen reports of Russian special forces operating now on the west bank of the lower Dnieper—in other words, in the direction of Odessa. In the course of his discussion with Danny Davis, Jacques Baud presented a map based on Ukrainian sources. The map showed the largest Russian military concentration to be precisely in the Kherson oblast—meaning, the Russian held area nearest to Odessa. Baud speculated that we could be seeing action there in the near future.
The Anglo-Zionists have been misinformed. Iran is none of their business. Neither is Russia or anyone else. A-Z's would be jobless, have no need to "freak out," were it not for their ability to enslave US taxpayers. Americans don't want any part of these wars. In 1930s Neutrality Acts were passed then quickly ignored via contrived excuses. The US could simply say from now on, we're neutral. From what I've read, US doesn't want a cease fire, its only goal is to divide Russia into pieces and hand them out to others. US is outraged that Russia dares to exist.
I always thought/think the taking of Odessa would be done. Its people and politics favour Russia moreso than Ukraine.
And strategically, it makes sense to secure the Black Sea as Odessa has been the main area for launching of attacks on Crimea.