The question is prompted by these two news items. This first one is really weird:
Religious-themed designs banned from White House Easter egg art contest
Children's egg designs are part of annual White House Easter Egg Roll traditions
The flyer that promotes this event specifically state “The Submission must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or
partisan political statements.” Only in America, right? An Easter event that bans religious themes and symbols? Let me guess: Rainbow painted eggs would be banned as “questionable”, right? Or maybe not right—because discrimination based on “sexual identity” is also banned. So strict neutrality, as we see, cuts one way only—against religious expression. Because how can you ban religious expressions without, um, banning religious expressions—which is, like, religion?
Children are asked to design eggs with images based on their own lives. "Selected designs representing the unique experience and stories of National Guard children will be brought to life on real hen eggs by talented egg artists from across the country and displayed at the White House this Easter and Passover season," the flyer says.
So this is an Easter/Passover egg roll? I’ve never heard of Passover eggs. Is that something like a Christmas menorah? Whatever happened to Ramadan eggs in this Ramadan season?
It’s not entirely clear who’s behind this, but based on who Fox contacted for comment …
American Egg Board President and CEO Emily Metz represents America’s egg farmers. She told Fox News Digital after publication of this article that for the past 47 years they’ve partnered with the White House. …
She tried to blame this on USDA.
She added, "We all have to follow kind of [USDA] guidelines, which essentially, number one, we can't discriminate … we also, most importantly, can't discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, sexual identity, any of that."
Metz insisted, "So when we say, can't be overtly religious, we just can't be seen to be promoting one religion over the other, the same way we can't be seen to be promoting one political viewpoint or ideology over the other. We have to be totally neutral in everything we do and have it just be focused on egg promotion and marketing activities. And this is obviously a huge opportunity for us to showcase the incredible eggs in a really fun and unique way."
So Easter, from the most important Christian holiday of the year, has been relegated to being an “egg promotion and marketing activity”? It seems so. But since when is the Easter egg roll about “egg promotion and marketing”? Somehow this doesn’t seem to fit the idea of being “totally neutral in everything we do.” A choice has been made, and Christians somehow end up with the yucky end of the stick.
Not content with that syncretistic mess of confusion, we move to this promotion of American’s official religion, which replaces the holiest Christian holiday:
Biden slammed on social media after announcing Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday
Biden has previously come under fire for his stance on LGBTQ+ and abortion issues given his own position as a 'devout Catholic'
It seems Zhou wasn’t fooling anybody as regards the invidious intent behind this insult:
Former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy called Biden out on X, formerly Twitter, writing, "Joe Biden just proclaimed that ‘Transgender Visibility Day’ is on Sunday, March 31st. I wonder how he came up with that date."
Rep. Alex Mooney, R-W.Va., echoed Ramaswamy's sentiments as he blasted Biden for the "coincidence on the timing."
"Joe Biden has proclaimed Easter Sunday as ‘Transgender Day of Visibility,’" Mooney wrote on X. "What a coincidence on the timing, right? This is a direct assault on Christianity. Yet another attack on religion and traditions by this administration."
Tennessee Republican Rep. Diana Harshbarger said the announcement was "intentional" and slammed it as a "blatant disregard."
This is all part of the “fundamental transformation” America is undergoing. It’s not the bottom of the slippery slope—we have lots more to look forward to. The tendency of the LCD of people is to dismiss such nonsense as a passing thing. I see it as a point on the downward trajectory of our society. It’s not a good thing. It won’t stop until people make it stop, and that mean renouncing the goofy and flat impossible notion of being “totally neutral in everything we do.” Otherwise this won’t end well—it will end much worse.
Anyway, Happy Easter! Christ is Risen, indeed he is risen!
A bit belated:
Zerohedge is all over this:
They hate us and our Christianity.
— UnipartyBomber (@magajcs) March 30, 2024
Declaring EASTER to be
'Transgender Day of Visibility'
They Hate You
They Hate Our Children
They Hate Christians .....
They Hate America !!!
We the People see you 🤛🏼
— Cyndexia America Truther 💯🥂 (@TrutherAmerica) March 30, 2024
They are mocking us
— Steve Ferguson (@lsferguson) March 30, 2024
Same as Christmas. Our governmental authorities no longer distinguish between the sacred and the profane because they do not wish to recognize the sacred. They recognize only their own power and the constricts of the legal system that enforces it. Even so, come Lord Jesus! You are risen indeed.